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Asking for help: Here is how to get people to say yes!

Writer's picture: Lily SchaererLily Schaerer

We all have times when we need assistance in daily life, but it can be difficult to ask for it. Even if you've achieved a lot in your office job, you can be afraid to ask for help for fear of coming seen as inept, weak, or bothersome by your relatives.

However, it isn't a sign of weakness to ask for help. It can help you avoid making mistakes that are both costly and embarrassing, and it can highlight your maturity, assurance, and comprehension of the problem.

The person providing assistance and the family as a whole both stand to gain from your efforts to make use of their expertise.

Fear is the main factor that stops people from asking for help. We worry that people will reject us, make fun of us, or figure out that we're a fraud. Despite the fact that these concerns rarely have any basis in reality, most of us avoid asking for help since doing so entails a number of potentially negative social outcomes, including humiliation, shame, and a loss of power.

Anxiety wins out over logic when faced with such dangers, and neuroscientific research has shown that the anticipation of emotional pain triggers the same brain regions as the experience of physical pain.

We have a hard time explaining our problems in a way that allows others to help us in useful ways, which is another reason why asking for assistance might feel like an uphill battle. Part of the reason for this is the illusion of transparency, a cognitive bias defined by social psychologists as the false perception that one's emotions, thoughts, and desires are immediately apparent to others.

When no one responds to our telepathic cry for help, we grow agitated and wait some more.

It goes without saying that asking for help is usually required before receiving it. Many of us struggle because of the high stakes involved and the discomfort associated with asking in today's increasingly independent world. But practicing your ability to ask for help is the safe route to becoming more at ease doing so in the future.

Helpful communication is essential for both receiving and giving assistance. Make an effort to be as precise and direct as you can in stating your request. You don't need to go into great detail; just explain what needs to be done, why it's important, and how the person you're asking can help.

Provide as much detail as you can so that they understand the scope of the project and allocate sufficient time and resources.

Furthermore, be amenable to a compromise. In addition, let them decide how much help they can provide.

How will you ask an individual for help? In-person, over the phone call, or via electronic means like email? Many things come into play here, such as your relationship with the person making the request, the specifics of the request, and your location. One of the best ways to begin is with a little introduction. You can explain the situation, determine whether or not they are available, and gauge their interest in aiding you.

It's important to put some thought into the wording and organization of your request regardless of the channel you use. Clear, specific requests are considerably more likely to get a positive response than vague ones.

Do not feel guilty about needing assistance. No one is going to volunteer for a job that the person asking has to apologize for. There's no shame in asking for assistance; nevertheless, if you preface your request for assistance with an apology, it gives the impression that you're doing something wrong and puts a bad spin on the situation.

To be honest, many people will be delighted by your request and happy to impart their wisdom. However, if you appear anxious or suspicious when you ask for assistance, the other person may be less willing to help or perhaps become skeptical of your true intentions.

Think about the kinds of questions you would get and the kinds of criticisms you might face. Also, keep in mind that your actions can speak much more than your words.

Don't send a message or an email for assistance. Sending a written request can be less of a hassle, but it also makes it simpler to decline the request. Talk over the phone or meet in person if possible. In-person appeals have been shown to be 34 times more effective in studies.

If you want someone to help you out, make your request stand out by describing how their specific set of abilities or experience makes them the ideal candidate for the job. This portrays them as helpful individuals rather than as another source of assistance. It has been shown through research that people are more likely to agree to a request for a financial contribution if they are specifically asked to "be a generous giver" rather than simply asked to make a contribution.

If someone helps you out, you should always express your gratitude and maybe even find a way to celebrate or honor them.

Asking for help can benefit both you and the person you're reaching out to if you do it in the right way. Offering one's knowledge to help another person may be a great confidence boost, as well as a chance to show off one's abilities.

It's not enough to simply thank someone for their assistance; you also need to let them know how things turned out. We'd like to believe that helping others is its own reward, but the truth is that most people just want to feel like they've made a difference. Everyone wants to know that their efforts are appreciated. Spend some time explaining to those who have helped you how their efforts have benefited you and the world at large.

Everyone has times when they need to reach out for assistance. This isn't a flaw but rather a crucial skill for advancing in your position and preventing issues from becoming catastrophic.

Think about what you can handle, what options you have that would provide results quickly, how much time you have, and if there is any training that could help you handle the problem on your own before you ask for help.


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