How do you define self-awareness, and why is it important?
There are various facets of self-awareness, including characteristics, actions, and emotions. It's a state of mind in which one's own thoughts and feelings take centre stage.
Self-awareness is one of the earliest manifestations of a person's sense of identity. While self-awareness is essential to your identity, it isn't something on which you are laser-focused 24 hours a day. For the most part, though, self-awareness is woven into your own being and emerges at different periods depending on the circumstances and your personality. Self-awareness is an essential skill for achieving higher levels of job satisfaction, becoming a stronger leader, enhancing your connections with coworkers, and better managing your emotions. It's also linked to greater levels of contentment in general.
What are the various types of self-awareness?
Self-awareness can be classified as either public or private.
What is public self-awareness?
It is about recognizing our own and others' perceptions of our behaviour. We are more inclined to follow social standards and behave in ways that are socially acceptable because of this awareness.
This level of self-awareness has its advantages, but it also carries the risk of being too self-aware. An excessive amount of time might be wasted thinking about what other people think of you if you have this feature.
What is private self-awareness?
Introspective awareness of one's own interior condition. People with a strong sense of inner self-awareness are curious about their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.
As an example, if you're prepared for an important meeting, you may notice yourself tense. It would be an example of private self-awareness if you were aware of the bodily feelings and accurately linked them to your nervousness about the encounter.
It's difficult to communicate certain elements of ourselves when self-awareness turns into self-consciousness. We create an image of ourselves that isn't true to who we are.
What are the advantages of being self-aware?
According to the Eurich group’s findings, we may better understand our values, ideas, feelings, actions, and strengths and limitations by turning inside. We are aware of the impact we make on others around us. Based on the findings, Eurich suggests that people who are self-aware are more content and have more satisfying interpersonal interactions. A better quality of life and more contentment at work are also among the many benefits they reap.
When we look at the world from the outside, we may see how others see us. To be sympathetic, one must be conscious of one's own image in the eyes of other people. Self-perceptions that mirror those of others are more likely to empower, include, and acknowledge those in leadership positions.
Perks that come with self-awareness
Some of the benefits of self-awareness are listed below:
1) We get the ability to influence the results.
2) We become better decision-makers as a result of this, as it boosts our self-esteem, allowing us to express ourselves with greater precision and sincerity.
3) As a result, we are able to see objects from a variety of angles.
4) Our preconceptions and biases go away.
5) We can see improvement in our relationships with others.
6) It improves our emotional self-control.
7) It helps to lessen the tension.
8) It can be the reason for happiness
What is self-consciousness?
Over-self-awareness can lead to a condition known as self-consciousness.
Have you ever felt as if everyone was watching your every move? You may have feelings of awkwardness and nervousness as a result of your increased self-awareness.
Self-consciousness is sometimes a fleeting phenomenon that occurs when we find ourselves in a circumstance when we're "in the limelight." On the other hand, excessive self-consciousness might be a symptom of a chronic disease like social anxiety disorder.
In other words, they are more self-aware, and as a result, they are more inclined to cling to their core morals and ideals. Stress and worry can lead to other health problems, such as heart disease and stroke.
People who feel self-conscious in public tend to be more self-aware as a result. Consequently, they are more worried about what other people think of them and how they are seen by others. The general response is to avoid looking bad or feeling ashamed, so these people tend to follow the norms of the group.
Self-awareness test
Do not worry if you do not know how to know whether you are self-aware or not. There are 12 MCQs at the iNLP Center that can tell you how self-aware you are and what you can do to increase your self-awareness. Mike Bundrant, a neuro-linguistic trainer and life coach, devised the test based on research.
The VIA-IS (Values in Action Inventory of Strengths) is a free online assessment that will help you determine your most important assets. It uses a total of 24 strengths and analyzes your answers to six major areas. If you take the test, you'll get a report outlining your top five strengths and suggestions for making the most of them.
How to increase one's level of self-awareness?
You can do it by visualizing your ideal self in your mind's eye. A person's "ideal self" reflects their aims, desires, and aspirations; it also reflects their skill sets, talents, and successes. You may utilize your idealized self as a guide to keeping on the correct path, despite setbacks and other hurdles as you lean into your strengths.
It can be easier to comprehend yourself and the world around you if you are self-aware. The ability to compare yourself to others is facilitated by self-awareness.
Self-awareness can lead to excessive self-consciousness in those with a high degree of self-awareness. If you are experiencing feelings of self-consciousness, especially those that are having a detrimental impact on your quality of life, reach out to Crown-Imperial Coaching today, sessions are FREE until August 31, 2022! Use code "SUMMER22" at checkout.