Getting to know someone new and developing feelings for them is an exciting part of beginning a relationship. It's exciting to meet someone new and experience feelings of excitement, anticipation, and even apprehension as you get to know them better.
It's normal to feel awkward when you get to know someone new, regardless of whether this is your first romantic connection or not. Knowing how open to be with a new person or having the courage to express your feelings or desires can be challenging. Relationships that benefit both parties can be fostered by acknowledging that trust is earned through time.
Always keep in mind that the way you treat yourself affects every other connection in your life. If you have a good rapport with yourself, you'll be less likely to bring negative patterns into your interactions with others. While there is no such thing as a "perfect" relationship, the following guidelines can help you and your partner establish a routine that will benefit your connection.

Tips for building a healthy relationship
Build trust
Love that develops through time is built on a solid foundation of trust. To gain trust, you must be patient. When you trust someone, you feel safe enough to talk about your hopes, ambitions, anxieties, problems, and other personal issues. So that your significant other may get a clearer picture of who you truly are. That's what trust does to provide a solid foundation for a happy marriage.
Be courteous and respectful
In the early stages of dating, it's important to remember that both deserve respect and love. Of course, you're going to have some disagreements and maybe even a falling out with certain people in your life at some point, but that doesn't give you the right to treat them poorly because you're angry. Toxic behaviors in a relationship include using foul language, intentionally hurting the other person's feelings during an argument, and using threats or emotional manipulation to get your way.
Remember that there are highs and lows in any relationship
Don't assume that you'll feel joyful constantly. It's important to keep an open mind and utilize setbacks as a way to learn more about your partner. Long-distance relationships are especially affected by this because of the increased friction caused by the absence of a physical presence. Relationships benefit from a person's upbeat demeanor in the face of such adversity.
Define boundaries
Boundaries are the limits you and the other person agree to uphold. People can still connect with one another while respecting their own needs and wants, thanks to the presence of healthy boundaries. Boundaries between friends, family, and sexual or romantic partners might vary widely. Understanding what makes you happy can be a powerful tool for fostering positive connections with others.
Be understanding and appreciative
Make an honest attempt to learn about your companion. Find out what the other person enjoys doing, and bear in mind that both your tastes and priorities are subject to change. Love your partner for who they are and what they do.
Slow down and enjoy the ride
It's helpful to remember while embarking on a new romantic connection that different people have varying comfort levels at various stages of the courtship process. If you meet someone on a dating site, for instance, and you think you're ready to meet up with them, but they're more comfortable communicating via text or phone, you may be disappointed.
There is no predetermined starting point or end point for a relationship's numerous phases. It's impossible to predict how quickly or slowly any given relationship will develop. What matters is that both you and the person you're seeing feel safe and secure and that neither of you feels rushed into doing anything before you're ready.
Visit new places
When one partner or both become bored with the status quo, tensions in the relationship begin to rise. You can re-energize your partnership by doing anything that brings you joy with your partner, such as trying a new activity or laughing together. These kinds of things will give you and your partner something to look forward to.
Talk about consent
It's common to want sexual gratification early on in a new relationship. Never assume that your spouse is at the same stage of readiness as you are in any given situation; this includes when it comes to matters of the heart. While it's possible that you and your partner are ready to strip down to the skin and touch each other, it's also possible that they want to keep their clothes on when they do so.
Lend a helping hand
Nobody is without flaws; that's just the way it is. If your partner is having a terrible time at work or has made some mistakes, it is important to be there for them both physically and emotionally. Maintain communication with your partner by offering frequent praises, listening to his or her problems, and pitching in whenever you can. Don't be too controlling, though.
Listen to each other
You will agree with me that this is a major issue that is ruining a lot of people's relationships. We like to think we know everything and overlook the importance of listening when trying to comprehend someone else's perspective. The ability to listen to another person and develop a knowledge of their point of view is a crucial skill for any couple.
Accept your mistakes
The ability to admit fault and make amends is a virtue that can serve to improve interpersonal bonds. Even if you didn't set out to upset someone, admitting your mistake and offering an apology can do wonders. No of what transpired, apologizing allows both parties to release any pent-up anger and move on.
In conclusion, building a healthy relationship takes a lot of work. Thus, you need to build them with positive emotions like care, interest, curiosity, patience, kindness, and gratitude. Do something now to set the stage for a lifetime of love and commitment.